Merging different cultures

September 2019

Integration and merge: Telco case study

Are you facing transformation or integration with other companies? See how sociomapping helps.

Issue description

Integration of 3 companies after acquisition of two competitors

Main issues:

  • Strong market competitors
  • 3 different cultures
  • Employees profile: in majority highly resistant to change

How Sociomapping can solve this business issue

Beginning of the merge

Sociomapping in 5  steps

1.  Identification of the key teams

2. Sociomapping of the communication barriers

3. Silos and clustered sub-teams identification across the company

4. Sociomapping analyses and workshops for individual teams

5. Definition of the action plans for each team

6 months later

– Teams with the sociomapping intervention has been fully integrated

– Almost twice faster integration with the sociomapping intervention

Train the trainers for internal coaches and facilitators to further support the integration and individual teams across the company.

Clustered team (March 2018)Clustered team (March 2018)

Customer quote

„We have used the results of Sociomapping as a very important and efficient tool to check the health of the communication and cooperation within our organization. The process showed our strengths, weaknesses and clearly identified fields for improvement. I personally appreciated the scale of recommendations from Sociomapping which led to improvements in weak areas. The exercise seriously helped to enhance personal and team efficiency during our transformation and integration with acquired companies. I am sure that we will continue to use Sociomapping!“

CEO, Telco

Do you want to develop your team effectiveness?

Get in touch with us and find out more details about sociomapping programs for your company.

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